About Us
Notre Dame School is a catholic institution in Machakos Diocese, managed by Notre Dame Sisters Society, Kenya. Therefore the decisions of the governing body find the source in Christian philosophy and theology. Notre Dame School traces its origin to its spiritual mother, St. Julie billiard of France, who founded the congregation of the Sisters of Notre Dame in Namur in 1804. Her charismatic spirit of finding God’s goodness in everything was handed over to our foundress, Sister Mary Aloysia Wolbring. She instituted the congregation of the Sisters of Notre Dame in Coesfeld, Germany in 1850.

Urged by the charism of St. Julie and Sister Mary Aloysia, Notre Dame has established foundations throughout the world. The institution gives witness to God’s love by involvement in various educational, social and medical services in Germany, Italy, England, Holland, United States, South America, Indonesia, India, Korea, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Africa and Vietnam.
In Africa, the first Notre Dame School began in Tanzania, Njiro in 2002 after the sisters worked at Ngeranaro St. Joseph’s Secondary School for 9 years. In 2004 the second Notre Dame School was started at Mlolongo, Kenya. Notre Dame Sisters administer and give their services at Don Bosco Secondary School Shinyanga, Tanzania.
Aims & Objectives
By the end of his/her education in Notre dame school, each student will have developed those values which enrich the personality, as well as helps to bring about the necessary changes in the society, which will hold equality and justice for all. Therefore the following values are considered to be of primary importance.